From: Harrington Matthew P. <>
To: Obligations <>
Date: 26/11/2020 17:46:21
Subject: Correction : Conference on Indigenous Private Law

Dear Colleagues:


I am an idiot.


In my last message, I said that Professor Frankie Young was at Queens.  Of course, Frankie is at Western.


I am thoroughly embarrassed as Frankie, Andrew, and I have been working on this project for months, and this conference would never have come off without her expertise and help.


So, please accept my apologies for any confusion and let me again express my thanks to Frankie Young OF WESTERN!


And, I do hope you can join us.


Kind regards.


Matt Harrington





Matthew P Harrington

Professeur titulaire

Directeur, Programme de common law

Faculté de droit

Université de Montréal
